Isnin, 12 September 2011

Thermofocus – Infra Red

     Dunia Medik  (001811770-x)
            205 Jalan Persiaran TKP  , Taman Kantan Permai
          43000 Kajang,  Selangor Darul Ehsan . Malaysia
           Tel. :  603-8736 0994 , 603-87343571 Fax : 603-8736 0994


·         Totaly hygienic, without touching
·         Thermofokus reads infrared radiation from the surface of the skin to calculate the core body tempreture
·         For the professional user or family that requires maximum accuracy flexibility of temperature taking
·         An additional button to allow the user easily read the ambient tempreture and the one of others areas of the body as well as objects between a range from 1.0 and 55.0C

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